Clinical Supervision and Program Design

Clinical Supervision
and Program Design

Clinical supervision for professionals in the field of art psychotherapy, trauma counselling and psychotherapy is becoming an ongoing requirement.

As a registered clinical supervisor with ACA and ANZACATA, I can provide credit points for supervision sessions. CPD credits can be given for Art Therapists who are registered with ANZACATA and ACA members.

My experience includes:

  • Over 15 years working as a trauma-informed Art Therapist with children who have experienced FV, developmental trauma, sexual abuse and behaviour issues

  • Working in adult mental health as an Art Therapist facilitating acute and day programs within a hospital setting

  • Work as a trauma-recovery therapist using the Somatic Experiencing framework, focusing on single-event trauma, complex trauma and abuse, mental health disorders and recovery, individual and group dynamics, object relations and attachment theory for children and adults

  • Running a private practice for individuals and groups.

I am available for:

  • Group supervision at your organisation

  • Group supervision monthly from Melbourne’s eastern suburbs

  • Individual supervision in person or online

Monthly Art Therapy supervision

My monthly Art Therapy supervision group is now available for professional practitioners. These are open groups for practitioners to attend. This is an opportunity to meet and consult with other professionals who specialise in a variety of areas, and to use art as a means for reflective practice and developing yourself as a practitioner.

Online Client Presentation Art Therapy Group Supervision 

The online client presentation group supervision gathering is a structure group where a practitioner nominates to present a client they have been working. The intention of this group is to hold a safe, supportive and reflective space for the growth of the presenting practitioner and their client as well as explore your own curiosities and ideas. Group participants will be invited to inquiry and share their reflections for the greater learning.

Thur Feb 20th @ 4:30pm
Thur Mar 20th @ 4:30pm

Where: Online
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $ 82.50 + GST + Booking fee per person
Min: of 4 people

What to expect: 
Visual check-in.
Presentation of a client a practitioner is working with, including:
Brief history, Age, Setting/context.
Explanation of the course of treatment/directives used.
Discussion of the purpose or aims of therapy.
Insights into what has worked and not worked.
Exploration of challenges, learning edges, curiosities, questions.
Visual response and discussion on the case presented.
Integration of Somatic Experiencing and Polyvagal principles as part of the presentation.

Note: These 2-hour sessions will contribute to 1 hour of supervision credits.

Please let me know if you would like to present a client for support or feedback. The intention of this gathering is to support learning and growth.

In Person Art Therapy Supervision Opportunity 

As art therapists, it is important to honour our creative and artist selves. Our creativity is a valuable component of our work that we offer clients but may not make time to engage in for ourselves. This in person art based peer supervision gathering will cater for your creative needs as well as provide an opportunity to engage in reflective practice.  

Where: In person @ The Creative Continuum, Upstairs 2/2 Colin Ave,  Warrandyte Victoria 

Time: 5pm - 7pm 
Cost: $80 + GST + Booking fee
Min: 4 people 
2 hour sessions will contribute to 1hour of supervision credits

Please register your interest by emailing me at Please nominate which group you would like to attend. Eg. In person peer Sup March 8th  Registrations close one week prior to the date of each group. 

Please let your peers know about this offering. All materials provided and beverages available. 

Cancelation Policy:
The group supervision sessions are non refundable. Your payment will be acknowledged as a credit for another supervision group in the future. This credit will apply for 6months from the time of the initial booked supervision group. If you cannot make the session once you have paid, please let me know and I will register your payment as a credit.

Online Group Supervision Dates

  • Thursday, 20th February at 4:30pm

  • Thursday, 20th March at 4:30pm

  • Friday, 25th April at 4:30pm

  • Thursday, 30th May at 4:30pm

  • Thursday, 19th June at 4:30pm

  • Thursday, 24th July at 4:30pm

  • Friday, 29th August at 4:30pm

  • Friday, 26th September at 4:30pm

  • Friday, 31st October at 4:30pm

  • Thursday, 20th November at 4:30pm

  • Friday, 19th December at 4:30pm

I have experience in creating and facilitating Art Therapy programmes for a range of needs and circumstances.

I am available for secondary consultations to facilitate or advise on:

In-service training presentations
Professional development
Consultation for organisations
Community groups and services
Using Art Therapy to facilitate psychotherapy, groups for wellbeing, self-care and team building.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.